
There are many different species of spiders that we regularly see resting, hanging, and scurrying around our yards and homes. Though they vary in size and shape, there are certain physical features all spiders have in common:
Eight legs
Two body parts
Many eyes
Venom that they use to paralyze their prey
Chelicerae or fangs used to inject venom into their prey
The ability to produce silk
Spiders are adept predators that feed on a wide variety of insects and are an important part of the ecosystem. These predatory arachnids help to control populations of nuisance and dangerous insects.
Spiders are not aggressive, and most pose no real threat to people. In fact, in the United States, only a couple of species have venom strong enough to cause harm to us. Spider bites are typically accidental and usually occur after you come into contact with a hiding spider. Spiders are a common pest problem, as our yards naturally provide them shelter, water sources, and plenty of places to hide. Preferring to live outside, spiders usually only move into our homes after following their prey indoors or while looking for a safe place to lay their eggs. Unfortunately, once they move inside, they will stay as long as there is food and water. The presence of spiders typically means you have an overall pest problem that you have to address. If you don't get rid of the insects, spiders will keep returning.
To make your yard as unattractive to spiders as possible, we want to provide you with the following prevention tips:
Spiders are naturally shy and reclusive. Remove clutter from your yard and home where they like to hide.
Keep your lawn cut short and cut back overgrown shrubs and vegetation.
Routinely inspect areas on your property like spaces under decks, stairwells, windows sills, and crawl spaces for hiding spiders.
Regularly dust and vacuum your home to remove stray spiders and their webs.
Keep spiders and the insects they hunt out of your home by sealing up cracks and crevices in exterior walls, the foundation, and around windows and doors.