
Mosquitoes are pests that we regularly deal with in our yards in large numbers. They are such a regular sight that we forget just how dangerous these pests are. Not only do female mosquitoes deliver itchy, painful bites, but during the feeding process, they can transmit diseases and parasites that can make people and animals ill. While not every mosquito you encounter is disease-ridden, many are, so avoiding contact with them and limiting their numbers on your property is important.
In Texas, mosquitoes are almost a year-round threat, and our warm, humid weather provides them with a perfect place to live and breed in large numbers. Not only do mosquitoes spread diseases, but they make enjoying our outdoor spaces impossible. It is hard to sit outside, eat outside, garden, or mow your lawn when constantly swarmed by biting mosquitoes! The biggest reason mosquitoes are attracted to any area is because there is standing water. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on top of standing water, the eggs hatch into larvae, and those larvae then develop into new biting adults. The more breeding sites present, the more mosquitoes there will be!
To make your yard as unattractive to mosquitoes as possible, we want to provide you with the following prevention tips.
Fill in low-lying areas that collect rainwater.
Remove piles of brush, wood, and other debris where rainwater can pool.
Store containers like buckets upside down when they are not in use.
Keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris to keep water flowing freely and away from the outside of your house.
Cut your grass regularly and cut back overgrown shrubs.